Every part of you is either actively or passively involved in everything you do in life. Who you are determines how you do the things that you do. Not only the conscious part of yourself, your talents and those aspects of you that you are happy for the world to see determine who you are, the subconscious and possibly hidden parts of yourself have an equally great influence. The vulnerable part of you, perhaps the injured part, the things you miss and desire, the part of you that you do not want seen but which nonetheless is as much a part of everything you do, contribute in their own and often subconscious way to determining how you move through life and how you respond to things that cross your path.
Personal counselling can be useful for becoming more aware of the otherwise subconscious drivers of your behaviour and mechanisms for dealing with whatever is going on in your life. We all have a ‘blind spot’ which means that we sometimes need others to be able to look at things from another angle, to be able to even consider a new perspective on dynamics that determine the way you move through life and therefore also what happens when you feel yourself ‘grinding to a halt’ or unable to move forward. This type of exploration will allow you to consider the meaning of where and how you are connected to or trapped in old patterns of behaviour. It may expand your field of vision and allow you to discover and /or include new options and potential for dealing with things.
Your need for temporary guidance may have surfaced in any one of the many aspects of your life. This particular initial focus could however, upon closer investigation reveal dynamics or certain patterns of behaviour that are prevalent - consciously or subconsciously (and not necessarily to your benefit) - in many other areas of your life. We will start your journey from the point at which you find yourself right now and take it from there. One step at a time.